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Showing posts from September, 2013

Trip to Wyoming

Not too often do people have the chance to go on adventure of epic proportions.  2 years ago I had the idea to travel to Wyoming and experience Yellowstone National Park and The Grand Teton National Park.  We have been there before but we were blind.  We didn't have any of the experience or the where with all to gain the experience to see the parks and see all they had to offer.  We did see elk and bison but I wanted more.  I wanted grizzlies and moose and bald eagles-THE GOOD STUFF.  so, I bought books, researched the internet and talked to people.  Everybody said, "Moose?"  "yeah they were just there on the side of the road."  "they were everyplace."  I must have missed those roads.  Nothing worse then when there's something that you want to do so bad and have never done and people are just like, "yeah, no big deal.  Done it lots of times."   ARRGGGGG!!! Our first night was in Rockford Illinois.  No...