I have to tell you the truth. when I come up with an idea for a blog topic it is usually not the time or the spot to write it down or even hang on to the topic for a posting later. This is nothing new. Nor is this a different situation I could go on about Tiger Woods, Mark McGuire, Kwame, health care-again, politics, entertainment blah blah blah. But it is Spring and we need some tulips to pop up in the garden. . I had a nice little story with nice little one liners and drops to pop in it along the way to make it a light hearted delightful story that was enjoyable by all to read and so on without any run on sentences or mispeled words or : incorrect punctuation'?!
Okay really. The summer of 1987 was a time that of my life that was heavy with emotion, transition, confusion, decision making, pride, suffering, elation and a bunch of other words that can hardly describe what I was going through. But I will do my best to help you understand and maybe we can figure a few things out together. Remember that word for me if you will, "together."
That May, not a month before I graduated from the 8th grade as a product of the Arch Diasis of Detroit Catholic School System I was working as a back room schleper at a small family owned swimming pool company in Detroit-Redford (I know it is a run on). I worked with my buddy Kevin O'Brien who started there a few weeks after I did. It was a fair job. I made $3.25 an hour under the table working about 25-35 hours a week. Life was good. this money fueled my BMX bike habit and before long I had the sweetest ride in the neighborhood. It wasn't long after that somebody else had the sweetest ride in the neighborhood as I got the living shit beat out of me and the kid went off on it as he had accomplished something. He did-he kicked my ass. Oh well. We live and learn. I learned to be a little bit faster than the guy that looked like he wanted my bike and to pick my fights.
At the graduation of St Robert Bellarmine Class of 1987 I don't remember much. I do recall standing outside of the church taking pictures and wondering what high school was going to be like. Wondering what would happen to my crushes, my buddies, if I would make the baseball team, if the classes would be hard if I would ever get my driver's license and a car, if I would ever move out of the city of Detroit, if I would if I would go to college, if I would have girlfriend, if I would keep my relationships going on after we left what brought us together etc, if would ever get married, if I would ever have kids, buy a house-WHERE would I be WHAT would I be and WHO would I be? I didn't just wonder these things for myself I also wondered about my classmates. All of them.
Fast forward to last year. I finally gave in and signed up on Facebook. Facebook. Social networking. I was married and had a house by that time so that answers a few of the above concerns. After several months a reconnecting with some past classmates-some of whom I was pretty good friends with others I was not very close to at all-hey, just being honest. but after 20 plus years I guess you sort of have to start over again from square one. some have kids some not or ever have been married-hey, I never ever thought I would have been married but look what happens.
So, as a result I think we got a little tired asking each other how we were doing on a little post and getting..."good" as a reply. A get together was afoot. A get together was had. No floods or snow or natural disaster was going to keep this from happening. Good thing it was 35 and clear.
So thinking about what to say, what to ask, what to think, what others will say, ask or think was enough stress to make me drive all of the way there and not realize i didn't even have my radio on in the car-I spent 4 years with these people 23 years ago. that is almost 30 years of time since I even met my classmates. Was I nervous? That's a fair shake-I was freaking shaking nervous. but, a hugs and handshakes from people quickly settled that down and things were good. The Shots and beers helped for sure but things would have been fine without the booze too. what a great evening. Stories from all, bragging of children, accomplishments and future desires and goals were thrown around all night long. Lots of "what ever happened to..." some sad, some groom but mostly happy. That was my theme for the evening. I was glowing the next morning-not from the hangover but from the fact that modern technology enabled us to have a very nice enjoyable evening with the people that 23 years ago I looked at and wondered where they would be, what they be and who they would be? As we sat there and swapped stories (sometimes 5-6 times) I sat and listened and thought to myself---"self, how have been able to live my life and know the answers to those questions? How could I not know Where, what and who? I was almost saddened. No kidding. I was almost bummed that I have missed so much of my classmates lives that it sort of got me down. But, really. I was so elated I could barely help. I had so much fun catching up I can't even tell you.
But, look at a different perspective. What if when we walked out with the blessing of Fr John at the church on that sunny day in June-with a cell phone in our pocket? What if we had a laptop with wireless Internet access at Starbucks? instant updates? Text messaging? Email? Would there be any reunion? Would we have gone to Lucky's and laughed until it hurt? Drank until it hurt? Had we kept in touch with each other over the years would it had been as fun or interesting to have a party like that? I am not going to answer that and let you come up with your own conclusion. I think they would be pretty similar answers, though.
That day we graduated we grew apart, together. That day we went to different high schools and made new friends and did different things, together. we all had the same emotions and concerns and we were happy and sad at the same time, together. I am glad that we decided to get together and laugh together. I am going to smile about the Reunion for sometime to come. Especially at the next one and the one after that and so one. Social Networking-Who would have think it?
Okay really. The summer of 1987 was a time that of my life that was heavy with emotion, transition, confusion, decision making, pride, suffering, elation and a bunch of other words that can hardly describe what I was going through. But I will do my best to help you understand and maybe we can figure a few things out together. Remember that word for me if you will, "together."
That May, not a month before I graduated from the 8th grade as a product of the Arch Diasis of Detroit Catholic School System I was working as a back room schleper at a small family owned swimming pool company in Detroit-Redford (I know it is a run on). I worked with my buddy Kevin O'Brien who started there a few weeks after I did. It was a fair job. I made $3.25 an hour under the table working about 25-35 hours a week. Life was good. this money fueled my BMX bike habit and before long I had the sweetest ride in the neighborhood. It wasn't long after that somebody else had the sweetest ride in the neighborhood as I got the living shit beat out of me and the kid went off on it as he had accomplished something. He did-he kicked my ass. Oh well. We live and learn. I learned to be a little bit faster than the guy that looked like he wanted my bike and to pick my fights.
At the graduation of St Robert Bellarmine Class of 1987 I don't remember much. I do recall standing outside of the church taking pictures and wondering what high school was going to be like. Wondering what would happen to my crushes, my buddies, if I would make the baseball team, if the classes would be hard if I would ever get my driver's license and a car, if I would ever move out of the city of Detroit, if I would if I would go to college, if I would have girlfriend, if I would keep my relationships going on after we left what brought us together etc, if would ever get married, if I would ever have kids, buy a house-WHERE would I be WHAT would I be and WHO would I be? I didn't just wonder these things for myself I also wondered about my classmates. All of them.
Fast forward to last year. I finally gave in and signed up on Facebook. Facebook. Social networking. I was married and had a house by that time so that answers a few of the above concerns. After several months a reconnecting with some past classmates-some of whom I was pretty good friends with others I was not very close to at all-hey, just being honest. but after 20 plus years I guess you sort of have to start over again from square one. some have kids some not or ever have been married-hey, I never ever thought I would have been married but look what happens.
So, as a result I think we got a little tired asking each other how we were doing on a little post and getting..."good" as a reply. A get together was afoot. A get together was had. No floods or snow or natural disaster was going to keep this from happening. Good thing it was 35 and clear.
So thinking about what to say, what to ask, what to think, what others will say, ask or think was enough stress to make me drive all of the way there and not realize i didn't even have my radio on in the car-I spent 4 years with these people 23 years ago. that is almost 30 years of time since I even met my classmates. Was I nervous? That's a fair shake-I was freaking shaking nervous. but, a hugs and handshakes from people quickly settled that down and things were good. The Shots and beers helped for sure but things would have been fine without the booze too. what a great evening. Stories from all, bragging of children, accomplishments and future desires and goals were thrown around all night long. Lots of "what ever happened to..." some sad, some groom but mostly happy. That was my theme for the evening. I was glowing the next morning-not from the hangover but from the fact that modern technology enabled us to have a very nice enjoyable evening with the people that 23 years ago I looked at and wondered where they would be, what they be and who they would be? As we sat there and swapped stories (sometimes 5-6 times) I sat and listened and thought to myself---"self, how have been able to live my life and know the answers to those questions? How could I not know Where, what and who? I was almost saddened. No kidding. I was almost bummed that I have missed so much of my classmates lives that it sort of got me down. But, really. I was so elated I could barely help. I had so much fun catching up I can't even tell you.
But, look at a different perspective. What if when we walked out with the blessing of Fr John at the church on that sunny day in June-with a cell phone in our pocket? What if we had a laptop with wireless Internet access at Starbucks? instant updates? Text messaging? Email? Would there be any reunion? Would we have gone to Lucky's and laughed until it hurt? Drank until it hurt? Had we kept in touch with each other over the years would it had been as fun or interesting to have a party like that? I am not going to answer that and let you come up with your own conclusion. I think they would be pretty similar answers, though.
That day we graduated we grew apart, together. That day we went to different high schools and made new friends and did different things, together. we all had the same emotions and concerns and we were happy and sad at the same time, together. I am glad that we decided to get together and laugh together. I am going to smile about the Reunion for sometime to come. Especially at the next one and the one after that and so one. Social Networking-Who would have think it?
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