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Pet psychology

Some of you may know that my puppy, Maddy, is a pretty good dock jumping puppy. At least we like to think so. Having qualified for the Purina Incredible Dog Challange in her first year is what I would call exceptional. Especially, since many others try and try agin to get to go and never get close. We are fortunate. For those of you that are unknowing-the Purina IDC is the World Series and the Super Bowl rolled up into one event-for dogs. The best of the best and for 1 year we get to brag about Maddy finishing 7th (um, yeah, we thought that was pretty good)until next years event and your dog finishes higher.
This last weekend she competed in the Novi Family Pet Expo in, you guessed it, Novi, MI. Maddy jumped hard and long and made us proud but when it come down to it she failed to qualify for finals as the competition was stiff.
During Catch it Maddy just decided to stop running and eventually she decided to stop jumping into the water-FREEK OUT. Keep in mind last weekend she was injured with cold tail. A condition that can keep a dog from jumping.
The freek out part came from me. The typically calm cool and collective person lost it-On the dock. I threw my hat in disgust of myslef and not my dog. But, what it looked like was a little brat throwing a tantrum. I was mad at myself. But, the spectators totally would have perceived this as anger and disgust for my dog. I made an ass out of myself, out of my wife but most of all I confussed my lil puppy. She had no I dea what I was mad at. For all she knew I was mad at her. After a few "psychology Jumps" to try to get it out of her system she stopped jumping all together. I wasnted to cry. I am so good at keeping emotion inside of me but this time I waved it around like a flag in the wind. I was transparent and Maddy knew it. So, in my embarrassment I took Maddy outside with her bumper and played fetch for better than 10 minutes. She wagged her tail and retreived every toss with a deep focus and concentration that is most impressive-nothing would distract her from fetching the bumper. She was exhausted. I was still upset with my self-I could still feel my ears turning red and buring with the rush of blood that often comes with stupidity. Maddy was once again happy. On the way home she sat between Lori and I watching the lights of the other cars panting away and giving random puppy kisses.
Dogs are unrelenting with their love for us. Whether we are happy or sad they love us without thought of consequence or regret. They give puppy kisses because they cannot give hugs and say I Love you.
So, my analysis of this whole thing is that Maddy, being preceptive, felt that I needed to decompress and relax and to be reminded that she loves me. So, she took me outside and kept bringing that bumper back to my hand everytime with the fiercest of concentration and swiftest of paws so that I knew that no matter how big of a dummy I make myself out to be she still loves me more than anything or anybody. When I have a shitty day at work she is waiting for me on the steps so when I come through the door she is waiting and wiggling the rear 3/4 of her body-commoner call that tail wagging-ready to give me puppy kisses to let me know that the world is a day older and what is will always be and to tell me that she loves me.
They say behind every good man is a good woman. They're right.


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